dating werewolves



one of the things that bores me is when people write female werewolves who can’t date human men because humans are Not Tough Enough For A Werewolf, they’re too slow and soft and squeamish, and female werewolves won’t actually be happy with anyone but big tough aggressive alpha males

like??? maybe some female werewolves want to date a sweet, tender marshmallow of a man?

maybe they want to hook up with that quiet, chubby lesbian coroner who loves hiking and taxidermy?

maybe their love interest can be disabled and that’s fine and you don’t actually need to be able to sprint through the forest at night or kill an animal with your bare teeth or whatever in order to have a happy relationship with a werewolf?

and even if humans don’t wanna do the werewolf things, some of them can still be really supportive partners. there are plenty of human partners who would just go “hahaha okay hon I’m glad you had a good hunt but let’s hose you off before you get in the car”

or maybe it’s the other way round, maybe it’s the human who’s like “fuck YEAH let’s punch a fucking grizzly” and the werewolf is like “okay first of all I only weigh like a hundred pounds WOLVES ARE NOT THAT BIG”

maybe it’s the werewolf who uses one of those doggy wheelchairs or whose service dog has been trained to keep them from running into trees during the full moon

like, there are so many options besides “all werewolves are more aggressive and athletic than all humans, so relationships will never work out unless it’s a male werewolf and a female human, because gender norms”  

you don’t need a partner who can do literally everything you can do, and women especially don’t need their male partners to be bigger and tougher and better than them at everything in order to feel comfortable in a relationship because seriously fuck those outdated gender roles

I seriously love the idea of a middle-aged man sitting up on his porch, half-asleep in a blanket, with a thermos of cocoa (or hot tea, you never know how allergic to chocolate you’re gonna be right after shifting) and a tick-comb, waiting for his wife to come in after moon-set.

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